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2024 2025 Competition Team Preliminary Information

By Kim Brooks, 02/29/24, 10:00PM PST


Check back later this Spring for preliminary information on our 2024-2025 Competition Season!

Our program is ranked as one of the top rec competition programs in Washington State. We're the 2022 Rec Junior State Champions (U12, traditional non-tumbling). We also placed third in 2023 (U14, traditional non-tumbling) and achieved the second highest scoring routine in competitions for that season.

Rec vs. All-Star Competition: What's the difference?

The difference between Rec and All-Star Cheerleading is that Rec dedicates most of their time to cheering for sports teams (usually football). All-star cheerleading's primary purpose is competition.

Rec Teams for U14 Division in Washington (and beyond) often incorporate stunting skills seen in Level 1, 2, 3 of All-Star Teams and do not have the same restrictions on tumbling level (for tumbling teams).

Most Rec Teams and organizations are local/regional level and follow or align to USA Cheer and National Federation of High School (NFHS) spirit rules. In the U.S., most All Star is under USASF.